Chiang Mai and the north enjoy a cooler climate than other areas in Thailand and a holiday here can be enjoyed all year round. While it does experience a hot season, this is a lot milder than in Bangkok and certainly less humid. Chiang Mai City lies at 316 metres a.s.l and Thung Dong Farm higher still at 680 metres a.s.l and so the temperatures on the farm are generally 3-4 degrees lower than in town. Like elsewhere in Thailand, the north sees three distinct seasons: the hot season, the rainy season and the cool season.
The Hot Season lasts from March until Mid-June and sees daily temperatures ranging between 30°C and 35°C. The country-side becomes quite dry and sometimes the air can become hazy caused by farmers burning rice chaff. Although the country-side is still wonderful it is the least recommended time of year to visit us but there are also very occasional thunder storms during this period which freshens the jungle and can actually provide welcome respite from the hot weather. You are guaranteed less crowds in the city which takes on a more relaxed atmosphere and we ourselves follow the general trend and offer discounted rates during this season.
The Rainy Season arrives in July and lasts until the end of September. The countryside once again becomes very lush and trees and flowers bloom. The jungle clad hills around the farm become so green, dense and vibrant and, of course, our animals enjoy all the fresh vegetation! Despite its name, it does not rain every day and often showers are short and refreshing. There can, of course, be longer spells of rain which cool things right down. If you decide to visit during this time, we have raincoats and umbrellas for you but remember good walking shoes for any treks that you may wish to take. Sometimes flooding used to be a problem in Chiang Mai City when The Ping River reached bursting point but they have now installed flood barriers to control the flow and any mild flooding is usually cleared up very quickly. On the farm we do not experience any flooding of the farm itself and, as the buildings are built upon old rice terraces, water quickly drains down to the river. That said the river that runs through the farm, The Mae Lai Noi, can become torrential and every few years, just for a few days during the rainy season, we are unable to even get our 4 x 4 truck through the river and in which case we leave it on the far side and walk across the footbridge to the farm.
The Cool Season, October to February, is perfect if you’re not keen on rain and don’t particularly like too hot weather then this is the time to visit. This is a wonderful time on the farm and Chiang Mai’s peak season and the city welcomes not only a rush of overseas tourists, but also many Thai tourists escaping Bangkok. There is little or no rain during this period and blue skies are guaranteed. The jungle around the farm is still very green and the country-side is at it’s best. It is the perfect climate for sightseeing, sunbathing or trekking with temperatures dropping to the mid 20's°C in town and low 20’s°C on the farm. Evenings can get a little chilly, so a light jacket or jumper is recommended. We have experienced temperatures as low as 4°C on the farm at night but 12 – 16°C is more usual but we have lots of duvets and for very cold nights even electric blankets!
So whatever season you decide to visit you will find that it will have its benefits but what does remain the same throughout the seasons is the warm welcome that you will always receive when you visit Thung Dong Farm!