Young Sophie, a recent guest on the farm, drew these really cute images of her time with us! In fact, I think, they are too cute not to share!
Our long-staying guest, Sasha, left us a few days back to head home to The U.K. She will be very much missed by us all but especially by our Izzie; from the snap it look as though Sasha has already told Izzie that she is leaving!
We are almost back to normal here in the north of Thailand and everyone is anticipating a wonderful Loi Kathrong full of happiness and good-will. The airport will be closed at certain hours to allow, what is expected to be, 1,000's of Lanterns adorning the night sky. The down-river barriers are closed to create a high tide to allow the good folks of the city and visitors alike to give thanks to the waters by floating their Kathrongs adorned with candles, incense, flowers and a few Baht for all of our blessings and good luck. A few days ago I floated my own Kathrong in the lake on the farm to wish for peace and appreciation to all of our guests who we will welcome in the coming months. A blessed Loi kathrong to all!
An early Loi Kathrong snap! Khun Sakhi and family, guests on the farm, celebrate with this wonderful photograph! It's just got a very happy feeling written all over it!!
Our way to offer thanks for blessing us with our farm and for the company of our guests and friends. We also ask for help to those in need; those who are unwell and those who are less fortunate than ourselves; just two words…. Thank You. Hi! I am a friend of Ae’s and I am tasked to undertake some of the management of his Thung Dong Farm Stay web-site. The picture of Ae, above, was sent in by a recent guest to the farm and so as a change from all the animals blogs I thought that this photo of the farmer himself might make a nice change? Ah well never mind! More animals next time!
Just a quick update on our ‘baby’ Naak!
We can watch him grow with every day that passes; he is the most gentle of buffaloes and loves a scratch and a hug! He’s a big baby still as can been seen from his ‘milky’ mouth just after feeding from his mother Nohn. He’s a lucky fellow indeed and will continue to take advantage of ‘milk on tap’ until he’s at least one year old! Thung Dong Farm, our farm, is surrounded by jungle, National Parks and hills and mountains and so it is only natural that we have the pleasure of being regularly visited by all manner of creatures not including our own animals! Civet Cats, Leopard Cats, Pangolins birds of many varieties including Eagles and owls but it still came as a bit of a surprise when a young Monitor Lizard took up residence in a tree near the store room. We called him Charlie and he has been with us now for over 2 months; he is quite shy but surprisingly tame. He eats insects and occasionally an egg or two. We hope he stays with us; shy or not Charlie is very welcome! I've seen splashes in the lakes before and always thought they were probably fish jumping for flies but yesterday I found this very large Asiatic Softshell Turtle in the pasture and can only presume it was her splashing around in the water! She made a very 'speedy' retreat to the lake and so we have called her SHEL-BY (after the Ford Mustang sports car!) which we think is quite appropriate! I counted at least 8 baby turtles awaiting the return of their Mom in the shallows. Turtles are an omen of good tidings in Thailand so by the size of Shelby let's hope the prophecy comes true!
Natalie, our resident deer, even after all these years, is still very camera-shy so it is not often I can get a good snap of her. This is the best photo that I have taken of her for a long time so I couldn't help but to share it with you!
Our Natalie the Dearest of Deers! I I I I tried to take a snap of all of our buffaloes but Brian would not come out of his mud-bath so her’s a good picture of Naak, on the left, and Nohn, his mother, on the right. Naak was just a baby a few months ago but look at him now! So very handsome and because of all the rain we have had and so much luscious grass on the farm all of the buffaloes look very fit and, I must say, rather chubby!
Here’s a nice family snap of the dogs and me out for a ride on the bike and sidecar this afternoon. But where’s Molly? Well someone had to take the photograph didn’t they!!
Naak, our 'baby' buffalo is growing-up so quickly! He's a real cuttie and so very friendly and still loves a cuddle! He enjoys swimming in the lake and cozying down with his Mom and Brian, his brother, at night. Hopefully he will remain a placid young fellow for a long time to come here on the farm!
I had to run some errands in town the other day and thought that I would take Louis along for the ride as he loves the car and motorbike. We went shopping and visited friends which, I think, was all a bit much for a young Beagle who slept all the way back to the farm!
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